
Know God

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What an odd behavior!

The more I think of it, the weirder it seems. Talk about your double standards.

When things are going well, “Thank you God for such a wonderful _______” (you fill in the blank). How amazing you are!

When things do not go the way we want, “I can’t believe God would do this to me! How could He let this happen! If He’s such a loving, caring God, why did He allow _________.” (you fill in the blank).

I’m sure you can see where I’m going with this.

When things are going our way we can’t thank God enough. When things are not going our way we can’t blame God enough. And why do you suppose that is?

I would say it is partially due to not knowing God and His ways well enough.

Isaiah 55:8For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways
,” declares the Lord.

We sometimes have this self-righteous thinking that we deserve God’s love as long as it comes without problems.

If we have a better understanding of God’s ways then we would be able to have a stronger faith in Him, knowing that, “All things work for the good for those who love the Lord. ”  This includes all the things we can’t understand even when God allows them to happen.

Having a “deeper knowledge” of God produces a “deeper faith in God.” Having a deeper faith allows us to accept whatever life throws at us, knowing that all things work for good for those who love God.

The deeper our knowledge “of” God, the deeper our faith “in” God, then, the more we will be able to give thanks to Him in all situations, Good and bad.                       Amen.

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