
Currency Exchange!

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Planning a trip to another country; or already had one? If so, you would already know about currency exchange, and of course, before you left you had to convert your currency into the currency of the country you visited.

But, suppose you were leaving your home country to go to another country, and you were not returning. And, suppose you could not take anything with you. Nothing!

What would you have to do before leaving?

You would have to convert everything you have to the other country’s currency, and what you cannot convert must be left behind. If you are going to another land, another country, permanently, there are things you must know and do before you leave. Even if you have already been approved into your new homeland you still have to prepare before you get there.

Heaven is no different. First, you must be approved in order to get to heaven. And how does this happen? Your currency into heaven is your “faith.” Faith in God’s son, Jesus Christ, who said, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one shall come to the Father in heaven but through me.’ (John 14:6).

Believing Jesus died on the cross for your sins, that he was buried and rose three days later, ascended into heaven, and will return again to gather together his children, that is, all believers. Once you have established your faith in these things you must then begin the conversion part of your plan to prepare for your new Homeland.

Converting all things of your current home land into that of your new Homeland. Learning a new language. In other words, speak differently. Practice living a new lifestyle according to the way of your new home. And in doing so, prepare to leave all the things behind because the number one law of the new land is, you cannot take anything from your old land with you.

Oh, did I forget to mention, your trip to your new land can happen at any time.

You are not given a departure or arrival date. Just told to be ready to go at any time. But remember, without the proper currency, (faith in Jesus Christ), your new home cannot accept you. Your model should be, “Take from your own land (earthly possessions,) the things you can never keep, and exchange them for what can never be lost!   Amen!